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Leo Villareal, Untitled, 2019, LEDs, custom software, electrical hardware, steel, 320 cm × 1,153.2 cm × 7.6 cm, © Leo Villareal, Courtesy the artist and Pace Gallery

ART CITIES:London-Leo Villareal

Leo Villareal works with LED lights to create complex, rhythmic artworks for both gallery and public settings. He focuses on identifying the …

Exhibition view: Bronwyn Katz, Salvaged Letter, Peres Projects-Berlin, Courtesy the artist and Peres Projects

ART CITIES:Berlin-Bronwyn Katz

Incorporating sculpture, installation, video and performance, Bronwyn Katz’s practice engages with the concept of land as a repository of memory, reflecting on …

Brice Marden’s studio, Tivoli, New York, 2019 Artwork © 2019 Brice Marden/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York. Photo: Rob McKeever

ART CITIES:N.York-Brice Marden

Brice Marden continuously refines and extends the traditions of lyrical abstraction. Experimenting with self-imposed rules, limits, and processes, and drawing inspiration from …

Eva Hesse, No title, 1957, Color-aid paper collage on cardboard, 15.4 × 27.3 cm, Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH. Gift of Helen Hesse Charash, 1998.21.6, © The Estate of Eva Hesse, Courtesy Hauser & Wirth

ART CITIES:Vienna-Eva Hesse

Eva Hesse was one of the icons of American art in the 1960s, her work being a major influence on subsequent generations …

Rashid Johnson, The Broken Five, 2019, Ceramic tile, mirror tile, spray enamel, bronze, oil stick, black soap, wax 246.4 x 398.1 x 7.6 cm, Photo: Martin Parsekian, © Rashid Johnson, Courtesy the artist and Hauser & Wirth

ART CITIES:N.York-Rashid Johnson

Rashid Johnson is renowned for challenging the assumptions often present in collective notions of blackness. Johnson is among an influential, core group …

Matt Johnson

ART CITIES:Los Angeles-Matt Johnson

Renowned for his wry marriages of everyday subjects with raw physical matter, Matt Johnson’s sculptures explore the paradox of visual forms through …

Mary Corse, Untitled (White Light Inner Band), 2015, Glass microspheres and acrylic on metal, 4.6 x 18.3 m, © Mary Corse, Photo: Flying Studio, Courtesy the artist and Pace Gallery

ART CITIES:N.York-Mary Corse

Mary Corse has built a practice that occupies an independent space at the intersection of minimalist painting, Abstract Expressionism and scientific inquiry. …

Lee Bul, Perdu XI, 2018, Mother of pearl and acrylic paint on lacquered wooden base panel with steel frame, 32 x 74 inches, © Lee Bul


Lee Bul is considered one of the foremost women artists from Asia to emerge in the international art scene in the 1990s. …

Irving Penn, Tuberous Begonia, New York, 1973, Pigment print mounted to board, print made 2007, Image, paper and mount 42,5 x 52,7 cm, Frame 66,9 x 67,6 x 3,9 cm, © The Irving Penn Foundation

ART CITIES:Paris-Irving Penn

Irving Penn was one of the most important and influential photographers of the 20th Century. In a career that spanned almost 70years, …

Gerhard Richter, Betty, 1991, color offset print on cardboard, mounted on plastic board, in frame, 50 1/4 × 40 inches (127.5 × 101.5 cm), edition of 25 © Gerhard Richter 2019

ART CITIES:N.York-Gerhard Richter

Throughout his career, Gerhard Richter has remained at the forefront of contemporary abstraction and image-making, embracing haptic process and technological advancements in …

Left: Allan Sekula, Replica of door to blacksmiths’ shed, in situ (original in collection of Warsaw Ethnographic Museum.) Ochojno, Poland July, 2009, detail from “Polonia and Other Fables”, Right: Allan Sekula, Art Isn’t Fair, 2012, (video still) [detail]

ART CITIES:Paris-Allan Sekula

Allan Sekula revitalized documentary photography, provided critical foundations for theorizing the relationship between word and image, and was one of the earliest …

Yukinori Yanagi, Akitsushima Instruction, 2000, Acrylic on canvas, 97 7/8 x 131 1/4 inches, © Yukinori Yanagi, Courtesy the artist and Blum & Poe Gallery

ART CITIES:Tokyo-Yukinori Yanagi

Yukinori Yanagi focuses on large-scale and site-specific installations that interrogate the politics of institutional borders and boundaries often drawing from systems of …

Carol Bove, The First Braid (detail), 2019, © Carol Bove, Courtesy the artist and David Zwirner Gallery

ART CITIES:Hong Kong-Carol Bove

Known for works that incorporate found and constructed elements with a unique formal, technical, and conceptual inventiveness, Carol Bove stands as one …

ART CITIES:Brussels-Rudolf Polanszky

Rudolf Polanszky is considered a key figure in the Actionist and Post-Actionist Movement with his conceptual oeuvre which aims to bring abstract …

Left: Alina Szapocznikow, Cendrier de Célibataire I (The Bachelor's Ashtray I), 1972, Coloured polyester resin and cigarette butts, © ADAGP, Paris. Courtesy The Estate of Alina Szapocznikow / Piotr Stanislawski / Galerie Loevenbruck, Paris, Photo: Fabrice . Right: Alina Szapocznikow, Tumeur (Tumor), 1970, Coloured polyester resin and gauze, 4.6 x 6.5 x 8 cm, © ADAGP, Paris. Courtesy The Estate of Alina Szapocznikow / Piotr Stanislawski / Galerie Loevenbruck, Paris, Photo: Fabrice Gousset

ART CITIES:N.York-Alina Szapocznikow

A sculptor who began working during the postwar period in a classical figurative style, Alina Szapocznikow radically reconceptualized sculpture as an imprint …

Jason Rhoades, Tijuanatanjierchandelier (2006), Installation view: CAC Málaga (2006), © The Estate of Jason Rhoades, Courtesy The Estate of Jason Rhoades, David Zwirner, and Hauser & Wirth

ART CITIES:New York-Jason Rhoades

Jason Rhoades is known for monumental, room-filling installations. These idiosyncratic sculptures incorporate a wide range of objects including products of mass culture …

ART CITIES:Basel-Len Lye

Born in Christchurch, New Zealand (ΝΖ), Len Lye (is one of the most important experimental filmmakers of the period 1930-1960. Living first …

James Siena, Cascade Effect, Installation view, Xippas Gallery Paris, 2019, Courtesy the artist and Xippas Gallery

ART CITIES:Paris-James Siena

James Siena is a seminal artist on the New York art scene. His work, by turns lithographs, engravings, drawings and paintings, involves …

Ali Banisadr, The Builder, 2019, Oil on Linen, 66x88 inches, © Ali Banisadr, Courtesy the artist and Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac

ART CITIES:Paris-Ali Banisadr

Born in Tehran in 1976, Ali Banisadr grew up during the Islamic revolution and the eight-year Iran-Iraq War. In 1988, he and …