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Shuang Li, I Want to Sleep More but by Your Side (Video Still), 2019, Video (color, sound), Duration: 25 minutes 26 seconds, © Shuang Li, Courtesy the artist and Peres Projects

ART CITIES:Berlin-Shuang Li

Engaging with uneven flows of circulation within globalized systems (Internet, international trades, online commerce, transportation, migration and etc.), Shuang Li’s work is …

Left: Al Taylor, No title, 1988, Watercolor, ink, and graphite on paper, Aaron and Barbara Levine. Photography by Ben Cohen. © 2019 The Estate of Al Taylo Right: Al Taylor, Bondage Duck Study, 1998. Graphite, ink, acrylic mica mortar, colored pencil, grease pencil, and wax crayon on paper. Collection Debbie Taylor. Photography by Glenn Steigelman. © 2019 The Estate of Al Taylor

ART CITIES:N.York-Al Taylor

Al Taylor was an American artist known for his uniquely innovative approach to process and materials that encompassed two-dimensional drawings and three-dimensional …

ART CITIES Malmö Hanni Kamaly Markings

ART CITIES:Malmö-Hanni Kamaly

Hanni Kamaly is a research-based artist working with sculpture, video and performance in which she explores subject/object theories and ontology as it …

Carroll Dunham, Untitled, 1/13/20, 2020, Monotype in watercolor and watercolor pencil on Lanaquarelle, 81.3 x 101.6 cm, © Carroll Dunham, Courtesy the artist and Gladstone Gallery-New York and Brussels

ART CITIES:Brussels-Carroll Dunham

Known for cartoonishly surreal painting directly onto wood veneer, Carroll Dunham incorporates the knots and grains of his medium into his sprawling …

Installation view: Kara Walker, THE SOVEREIGN CITIZENS SESQUICENTENNIAL CIVIL WAR CELEBRATION, Camden Arts Centre-London, 2013-14, © Kara Walker. Courtesy Camden Arts Centre, Sprüth Magers and Sikkema Jenkins & Co. Photo: Marcus J. Leith

ART CITIES:Berlin-Kara Walker

Kara Walker is among the most complex and prolific American artists of her generation. She has gained national and international recognition for …

Sarah Lucas

ART CITIES:N.York-Sarah Lucas

Sarah Lucas’s practice is characterized by irreverent humour and the creation of visual puns and vulgar euphemisms. Spanning sculpture, photography, and installation, …

Drift, Ego, 2020, © DRIFT, Photography by Marco Borggreve

ART CITIES:N.York-Studio Drift

Lonneke Gordijn and Ralph Nauta founded Studio Drift in 2007. With a multi-disciplinary team of 64, they work on experiential sculptures, installations …

Lari Pittman, Found Buried #1, 2020, Cel-vinyl and lacquer spray over gessoed canvas on titanium and wood panel, 202.6 x 245.1 x 5.1 cm, Photo by Fredrik Nilsen, © Lari Pittman. Courtesy Regen Projects, Los Angeles and Lehmann Maupin, New York, Hong Kong, and Seoul

ART CITIES:N.York-Lari Pittman

During the mid-1970s, Lari Pittman attended California Institute of the Arts in Valencia, California, the institute’s strong feminist arts program challenged the …

Mimi Lauter, Colossale Allargando Con Spirito, 2019, Photo: Makenzie Goodman

ART CITIES:N.York-Mimi Lauter

Mimi Lauter is a Los Angeles-based artist whose oil and soft-pastel works on paper assemble abstracted narratives drawn from subconscious memory, literature, …

Exhibition view: Sylvie Fleury, She-Devils on Wheels, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac Paris, 2019, Courtesy the artist and Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac

ART CITIES:Paris-Sylvie Fleury

Sylvie Fleury is known for her mises-en-scène of glamour, fashion and luxury products. Although at first glance her works may seem like …

Hirose Nana & Nagatani Kazuma

ART CITIES:Tokyo-Stasis Field

The term “Stasis field” has been used in science fiction novels and games, to refer to an area in which time seemingly …

Walid Raad Les Louvres and/or Kicking the Dead, 2018 Still from presentation, ONASSIS, Athens 2018 Photo: Elina Giounanli © Walid Raad

ART CITIES:Stockholm-Walid Raad

In photographs, videotapes, sculptures, texts and mixed media installations Walid Raad explores how violence affects bodies, minds, culture and traditions. Playfully, he …

Olafur Eliasson, Your atmospheric colour atlas, 2009, Fluorescent lights, color filter foil (red, green, blue), aluminum, steel, ballasts, haze machine, Dimensions variable, Installation view: Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, 2020, ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum, Denmark, © 2009 Olafur Eliasson

ART CITIES:Bilbao-Olafur Eliasson

Olafur Eliasson uses his works, which encompass painting, photography, sculpture and large installations, to inquire into the relationships between the real and …

Akinbode Akinbiyi, Bar Beach, Victoria Island, Lagos, 2006, From the series Sea Never Dry, Photograph, © Akinbode Akinbiyi, Courtesy: the artist and Gropius Bau

ART CITIES:Berlin-Akinbode Akinbiy

Walking the streets of Bamako, Berlin, Cairo, Dakar, Johannesburg, Kinshasa, Lagos, or other megacities, Akinbode Akinbiy studies social structures, uncovers the hidden, …