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Ha Chong-Hyun

ART CITIES:London-Ha Chong Hyun

Ha Chong-Hyun came to prominence with his Conjunction series in the early 1970s. These early experiments have led him to build his …

Aziz Hazara, Bow Echo (Video still), 2019, Duration: 4 min 6 , Five channel HD video, color, sound, Video produced by the Han Nefkens Foundation, © Aziz Hazara, Courtesy the artist, Han Nefkens Foundation and Fundació Antoni Tàpies

ART CITIES:Barcelona-Aziz Hazara

Born in the province of Wardak, close to Kabul in Afghanistan in 1992, Aziz Hazaraworks across mediums such as photography, video, sound, …

Louise Bonnet, Calvary with Potato, 2020, Oil on linen, 182.9 × 304.8 cm, © Louise Bonnet, Photo: Jeff McLane, Courtesy the artist and Gagosian Gallery

ART CITIES:N.York-Louise Bonnet

Known for her portraits of exaggerated proportions and grotesque features, Louise Bonnet continually explores emotions of melancholy, loneliness, nostalgia and grief in …

Jesse Wine

ART CITIES:N.York-Jesse Wine

Jesse Wine has been working with and appropriating ceramics into his expanded sculptural practice since graduating from the Royal College of Art …

Asuka Anastacia Ogawa, Friends!, 2018, Acrylic on canvas, 48 × 60 inches, © Asuka Anastacia Ogawa, Courtesy the artist and Blum & Poe Gallery

ART CITIES:Tokyo-Asuka Anastacia Ogawa

Asuka Anastacia Ogawa creates large figurative paintings that depict androgynous children in chimerical dreamscapes, otherworldly scenes formed from solid fields of color …

Ann Veronica Janssens, Untitled (Blue Glitter), 2015 – ongoing. Courtesy the artist. Photo: Dirk Pauwels

ART CITIES:London-Ann Veronica Janssens

Ann Veronica Janssens has created an extensive body of work over four decades spanning installations, projections, immersive environments and sculptures. At the …

En Être, Exhibition view Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac-Pantin, 2020, Courtesy Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac

ART CITIES:Paris-En Être

In solidarity with the artistic community in these challenging times, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac hosts the exhibition ’”En Être” in collaboration with the …

Rita Ackermann, Mama Study, 2020, Oil and China marker on paper, 55.9 x 76.2 cm, © Rita Ackermann, Photo: John Etter, Courtesy the artist and Hauser & Wirth Gallery

ART CITIES:Zurich Rita-Ackermann

The opposing impulses of creation and destruction mark the touchstone of the Hungarian-born, New York-based artist Rita Ackermann’s practice, which continues to …

Aya Takano, hello friend, cheer up, 2020, Oil on canvas, 91 × 116. ©2020 Aya Takano/Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Courtesy Perrotin

ART CITIES:Seoul-Aya Takano

AyaTakano has been creating figures akin to anime characters to compose science-fictional or mythologically peculiar scenes from her imaginary world. The artist, …

Rashid Johnson, Stage

ART CITIES:N.York-PS1 Courtyard

“PS1 Courtyard” is a year-long program to reimagine the uses of and access to the Museum’s outdoor courtyard, which is the interstitial …

Stanley Whitney,

ART CITIES:Rome-Stanley Whitney

Stanley Whitney has been exploring the formal possibilities of color within ever-shifting grids of multi-hued blocks and all-over fields of gestural marks …

Portia Zvavahera, This is where I travelled [1], 2020, Oil based printing ink and oil bar on canvas, 205.5 x 265.8 cm, Framed: 208.6 x 269.4 cm), © Portia Zvavahera, Courtesy the artist and David Zwirner Gallery

ART CITIES:London-Portia Zvavahera

Portia Zvavahera’s vast canvases contain a world of dreamscapes heavy with burdens of our futures and unresolved pasts. The women depicted in …

Tony Cragg, Untitled, 2019, Bronze, 100 x 113 x 52 cm, © Tony Cragg, Courtesy the artist and Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac

ART CITIES:Paris-Tony Cragg

Tony Cragg is one of the world’s most foremost sculptors. His work is notable for its exploration of different materials, including found …

ART CITIES:Paris-Openings

In her latest series of vivid geometric paintings that are on show in the exhibition “Paintings”, Farah Atassi intermingles references to modernist …

Left: Alain Biltereyst, Sans titre / A-855-3, 2020, Acrylic on plywood, 23 x 17,4 x 2 cm, © Alain Biltereyst, Courtesy the artist and Xippas Gallery Right: Alain Biltereyst, Sans titre / A-905-3, 2020, Acrylic on plywood, 118 x 88 x 2 cm, © Alain Biltereyst, Courtesy the artist and Xippas Gallery

ART CITIES:Paris-Alain Biltereyst

Alain Biltereyst continually draws attention to the innate beauty of practical designs, such as a manhole cover, fence design or airplane tail …

Work from the exhibition “No Man is an Island”, Courtesy Almine Rech Gallery

ART CITIES:London-No Man is an Island

In 1985 NASA published the book “Living Aloft: Human Requirements for Extended Spaceflight” exploring how humans adjusted psychologically and socially to space. …

Isa Genzken, Untitled (detail), 2018, MDF tower, two (2) aluminum plates, foil, spray paint, mirror foil, and fabric tape, Signed and dated, 290 x 93 x 83 cm, © Isa Genzken, / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn; Courtesy of the artist, David Zwirner and Galerie Daniel Buchholz

ART CITIES:Paris-Isa Genzken

Isa Genzken is arguably one of the most important and influential artists of the past 30 years. Her work has been part …