BOOK:LaToya Ruby Frazier-The Last Cruze, The Renaissance Society

LaToya Ruby Frazier, The Last Cruze, Renaissance SocietyThe book “The Last Cruze” is the catalogue of LaToya Ruby Frazier’s 2019 solo exhibition at the The Renaissance Society Museum. Available for pre-order, the publication features Frazier’s extensive body of work that centers on the workers at the General Motors plant in Lordstown, Ohio. Through photographs and interviews, Frazier records the devastating effects on the workers’ families and their community after GM “unallocated” the plant, which soon led to its closure. Photographing them and letting them tell their own stories, she conveys their experiences of the developing events, the disruption to their lives, and the strong efforts of the local union, United Auto Workers (UAW) Local 1112, on behalf of its members. For Frazier, this 392-page publication extendings the dialogue around the work, offering another platform for the workers’ voices, and inviting new reflections by a number of leading scholars and thinkers. It includes the exhibition’s more than sixty black-and-white photographs and documentation of the immersive installation at the Renaissance Society.-Efi Michalarou

LaToya Ruby Frazier, The Last Cruze, Exhibition view The Renaissance Society- Chicago, 2019, Photo: Useful Art Services, Courtesy the artist and The Renaissance Society
LaToya Ruby Frazier, The Last Cruze, Exhibition view The Renaissance Society- Chicago, 2019, Photo: Useful Art Services, Courtesy the artist and The Renaissance Society



LaToya Ruby Frazier, The Last Cruze, Exhibition view The Renaissance Society- Chicago, 2019, Photo: Useful Art Services, Courtesy the artist and The Renaissance Society
LaToya Ruby Frazier, The Last Cruze, Exhibition view The Renaissance Society- Chicago, 2019, Photo: Useful Art Services, Courtesy the artist and The Renaissance Society



LaToya Ruby Frazier, The Last Cruze, Exhibition view The Renaissance Society- Chicago, 2019, Photo: Useful Art Services, Courtesy the artist and The Renaissance Society
LaToya Ruby Frazier, The Last Cruze, Exhibition view The Renaissance Society- Chicago, 2019, Photo: Useful Art Services, Courtesy the artist and The Renaissance Society



LaToya Ruby Frazier, The Last Cruze, Exhibition view The Renaissance Society- Chicago, 2019, Photo: Useful Art Services, Courtesy the artist and The Renaissance Society
LaToya Ruby Frazier, The Last Cruze, Exhibition view The Renaissance Society- Chicago, 2019, Photo: Useful Art Services, Courtesy the artist and The Renaissance Society



LaToya Ruby Frazier, The Last Cruze, Exhibition view The Renaissance Society- Chicago, 2019, Photo: Useful Art Services, Courtesy the artist and The Renaissance Society
LaToya Ruby Frazier, The Last Cruze, Exhibition view The Renaissance Society- Chicago, 2019, Photo: Useful Art Services, Courtesy the artist and The Renaissance Society