PERFORMANCE: Demosthenes Agrafiotis-Emerging Diversities

Demosthenes Agrafiotis Demosthenes Agrafiotis  is active in the fields of poetry / painting / photography /  intermedia / installations and their interactions, with books of poetry and essays, and exhibitions of photography paintings, drawings and installations, both in Greece and abroad. He has a special interest for the relations between art and new technologies, for multimedia or intermedia projects and also for performances.
His essays are dedicated to analysis of different forms of art as cultural phenomenon. He has participated in different type of artistic activities: publications, small press initiatives and mail – art / alternative – action art projects.
His anthology-formatted magazine ‘Clinamen’ (1980-90), co-published by Erato Publications in Athens (1991-94), has been active for over a decade as an amalgam of Greek poetry and art with work from Europe, Asia and America. 7 artists books were published based on ‘Clinamen’ (1980-1995). After 1996, ‘Clinamen’ is centered on production of artists books.

Demosthenes Agrafiotis, Emerging Diversities, 18-22/12/19, ΞΟΥΘ Festival//Artens-Athens, © & Courtesy Demosthenes Agrafiotis