ΒΟΟΚ:Jessica Stockholder,Phaidon Publications

Jessica Stockholder, Phaidon PublicationsJessica Stockholder has been recognized since the early 1990s as a pioneer of Installation Art, using a combination of paint, found objects, and architectural interventions. The revised, updated edition “Jessica Stockholder” by Phaidon Publication spotlights the extraordinary evolution of her career, and examines the pivotal role she has played in shaping some of the most fundamental ideas around which contemporary sculpture and painting revolve today. Her work is energetic, cacophonous, and idiosyncratic, but close observation reveals formal decisions about color and composition, and a tempering of chaos with control. In a single work, Stockholder deploys a myriad of materials that might include bales of hay, fruit, toys, laundry baskets, curtains, heat lamps, fans, yarn, newspaper, bowling balls, automobiles, and construction materials: bricks, concrete, plywood, and sheetrock. To the vibrantly colorful plastic products of consumer culture, she adds painted areas of bright hues, calibrating each color for maximum optical and spatial impact. The title will be shipped from 25/5/18.-Dimitris Lempesis

Jessica Stockholder, Phaidon Publications
Jessica Stockholder, Phaidon Publications



Jessica Stockholder, Phaidon Publications
Jessica Stockholder, Phaidon Publications



Jessica Stockholder, Phaidon Publications
Jessica Stockholder, Phaidon Publications



Jessica Stockholder, Phaidon Publications
Jessica Stockholder, Phaidon Publications