PRESENTATION:Art Labor Cloud Chamber

Arlette Quynh-Anh Tran,'The Galaxy of Electrified Heat, 2024, video installation, dimensions variable. Courtesy of the artist. Commissioned by Para SiteArt Labor Formed by Thao Nguyen Phan, Truong Cong Tung and Arlette Quynh-Anh Tran is an artist collective based in Ho Chi Minh City, who work in between visual arts, social and life sciences in various public contexts and locales. We do not produce single artwork but develop many-year-long journey during which one inspiration is a seed to cultivate. The seed grows – the inspiration expands and bears into rhizome of projects and artworks.

By Dimitris Lempesis
Photo: Para Site Archive

Thao Nguyen Phan & Jacques Dournes, Foret, ‘femme, folie (after J.D.)’, 2024–present, watercolour and archival photography transferred to slides. Courtesy of the artist. Commissioned by Para Site
Thao Nguyen Phan & Jacques Dournes, Foret, femme, folie (after J.D.), 2024–present, watercolour and archival photography transferred to slides. Courtesy of the artist. Commissioned by Para Site

“Cloud Chamber” is the first institutional exhibition to survey the activities of Art Labor, the exhibition presents Art Labor’s long-term historical research, poetic observations, and decade-long practice of relationship-building with the Jrai community in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. Alongside Art Labor’s newly commissioned and existing works, the exhibition features artwork from Jrai artists, with whom the collective has created collaborative projects since 2016, archival material from a missionary-turned-anthropologist in the French colonial period, and works by contemporary artists inspired by the region. By reframing the region beyond its turbulent past, “Cloud Chamber” looks to engage the audience in an imaginative reflection on the region’s complex history and its ongoing impact, from war, industrialisation, to the lingering effects of missionary activity. The exhibition title ‘Cloud Chamber’ alludes to the duality of matter and antimatter reacting to one another, a concept echoed by reincarnation beliefs in indigenous cosmologies of the Central Highlands. Expanding on this duality like a gravitational field, the exhibition explores the interplay of opposing forces—regeneration and destruction, modernity and tradition, reality and dream—that continues to shape the complex dynamics and ever-changing landscape of the Central Highlands today. Within an exhibition setting, a constellation of artworks and happenings explores collisions between science and mythology, human and non-human—to open up spaces for new forces of change to emerge. Jrai wood-carved sculptures and musical instruments are presented alongside moving image, installation, drawings and archival photographs that together weave a counter-narrative to prevalent representations, past and present, of the Central Highlands. Art Labor’s collaborative projects, which often take on a peripatetic, rhizomatic pattern, embody a process of continuous adaptation and evolution, akin to the journey of seeding, nurturing, and cultivating. Prior to the exhibition at Para Site, ‘Cloud Chamber’ was developed through intensive field research and ongoing exchanges in the Central Highlands, which culminated in a series of activations in July 2024 that took place across various locations. In the Central Highlands, the Jrai community and Art Labor engaged in a series of public gatherings, open air exhibitions, and events that included sculpture displays, film screenings, live musical performances, and outdoor installations. Through the exhibition hosted by Para Site, the journey extends beyond the Central Highlands to Hong Kong, as the ideas and relationships formed during the year-long process continue, creating new connections within an expanded network of collaborators.

Participatong Artists: Art Labor (Thao Nguyen Phan, Truong Cong Tung, Arlette Quynh-Anh Tran), in collaboration with Jacques Dournes, Nguyen Phuong Linh, Puih Gloh, Puih Han, Rahlan Loh, Rcham Jeh, R Cham Tih, Romah Aleo, Siu Huel, Siu Kin, Siu Lon, and Truong Que Chi.

Photo: Arlette Quynh-Anh Tran,’The Galaxy of Electrified Heat, 2024, video installation, dimensions variable. Courtesy of the artist. Commissioned by Para Site

Info: Curator: Celia Ho, Para Site, 22/F, Wing Wah Industrial Bldg., 677 King’s Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong, Duration: 17/8-24/11/2024, Days & Hours: Wed-Sun 12:00-19:00,

Truong Cong Tung, Forming deforming ongoing, 2018, cicada shell, gold spray paint, found spade, found plaster statue, weather, time. Courtesy of the artist and Kiang Malingue
Truong Cong Tung, Forming deforming ongoing, 2018, cicada shell, gold spray paint, found spade, found plaster statue, weather, time. Courtesy of the artist and Kiang Malingue



Rcham Jeh, Untitled, 2024, wooden sculpture. Courtesy of the artist. Commissioned by Para Site and T:>Works|Rcham Jeh
Rcham Jeh, Untitled, 2024, wooden sculpture. Courtesy of the artist. Commissioned by Para Site and T:>Works|Rcham Jeh



Siu Huel, Untitled, 2024, wooden sculpture. Courtesy of the artist. Courtesy of the artist. Commissioned by Para Site and T:>Works|Siu Huel
Siu Huel, Untitled, 2024, wooden sculpture. Courtesy of the artist. Courtesy of the artist. Commissioned by Para Site and T:>Works|Siu Huel



loud Chamber: Central Highland Journey’, 2024, commissioned by Para Site, Hong Kong and T:> Works, Singapore
Cloud Chamber: Central Highland Journey’, 2024, commissioned by Para Site, Hong Kong and T:> Works, Singapore



Cloud Chamber: Central Highland Journey’, 2024, commissioned by Para Site, Hong Kong and T:> Works, Singapore
Cloud Chamber: Central Highland Journey’, 2024, commissioned by Para Site, Hong Kong and T:> Works, Singapore



Art Labor. From left: Arlette Quynh-Anh Tran, Truong Cong Tung and Thao Nguyen Phan. Courtesy of Art Labor
Art Labor. From left: Arlette Quynh-Anh Tran, Truong Cong Tung and Thao Nguyen Phan. Courtesy of Art Labor