ART-PRESENTATION: Shimabuku-The 165metre Mermaid and Other Stories

Shimabuku, Eriger, 2017-18, installation view Reborn-Art Festival 2017, Courtesy of the artist and Air de Paris-RomainvilleAs a child Shimabuku wanted to be a poet or a tour guide. With degrees from Osaka College of Art and the San Francisco Art Institute, Shimabuku is an artist-traveler who, through surprising encounters and detours, challenges the boundaries between reality and imagination. His installations, sculptures, drawings, writings, photographs and videos stem from experiences, stories and anecdotes in which he interacts with the living world or with the mineral world.

By Efi Michalaeou
Photo: Musée National de Monaco Archive

Freely combining performance, land art, music and cooking, Shimabuku’s poetic actions are forever spinning new tales. His texts, which form the narrative thread of the exhibition, interweave installations, films, sculptures and photographs executed over the past 30 years. The exhibition “The 165-metre Mermaid and Other Stories” stems from a mediaeval Japanese legend and unfurls in the manner of an epic poem. It tells of Shimabuku’s adventures and encounters as he goes with the flow, roving between his native Japan and Monaco via Brazil, Australia and many other lands. Shimabuku was born in Kobe in 1969. He studied at the Osaka College of Art then at the San Francisco Art Institute before moving to Berlin in 2004 and living there for 12 years. Since 2016 he has lived in Naha on the Southern Japanese island Okinawa, where his family comes from. From older works conceived in the Kobe region, which he happily compares topographically to the Riviera, to his latest installations produced in Monaco, Shimabuku develops a practice inspired by the profound attention he pays to his environment. On his travels, he makes elements of the landscape or popular culture into his own, leading experimental poetic actions that combine humour, performance, music or cooking. On a visit to Fukuoka he discovered the legend and relics of a mermaid whose body was 165 metres long and decided to expand it, buying a rope also 165 metres long. Taken around the world, this rope brings him closer to the fish-woman and becomes a vector linking fiction to reality, past to present and Japan to the different countries where the work is presented. Acquired by the Nouveau Musée National de Monaco in 2018, the installation I’m travelling with 165-metre Mermaid (1998–ongoing) forms the starting point for the exhibition and is enriched by the presence of artefacts produced in Monaco by different craftspeople invited in turn to make this story into a work of their own. Each of Shimabuku’s works can be seen as a poetical-philosophical experience, questioning our relationship with otherness and engaging with an individual or collective action of care and attention. Initiated on Norihama beach after the  2011 tsunami, the installation Erect has led to a new specific production created in Monaco following the poem-protocol established by the artist.

Photo: Shimabuku, Eriger, 2017-18, installation view Reborn-Art Festival 2017, Courtesy of the artist and Air de Paris-Romainville

Info: Curator: Célia Bernasconi, Nouveau Musée National de Monaco, Villa Paloma, 56 boulevard du Jardin Exotique, Monaco, Duration: 19/2-3/10/2021, Days & Hours: Daily 10:00-18:00,

Shimabuku, I travel with a 165 meter siren, 1998 - in progress -, Watercolor on paper (installation detail), Drawing by Shimabuku, Sydney, Australia, 1998 75 x 104 cm NMNM collection, n ° 2019.4.1.7, © Shimabuku Courtesy the artist and Air de Paris, Romainville
Shimabuku, I travel with a 165 meter siren, 1998 – in progress -, Watercolor on paper (installation detail), Drawing by Shimabuku, Sydney, Australia, 1998 75 x 104 cm NMNM collection, n ° 2019.4.1.7, © Shimabuku Courtesy the artist and Air de Paris, Romainville



Shimabuku, I travel with a 165 meter siren, 1998 - in progress -, Printing on PVC (installation detail) Produced in Marseille, 1999 39.5 x 55 cm, Collection NMNM, n ° 2019.4.1.9, © Shimabuku Courtesy of the artist and Air de Paris, Romainville
Shimabuku, I travel with a 165 meter siren, 1998 – in progress -, Printing on PVC (installation detail) Produced in Marseille, 1999 39.5 x 55 cm, Collection NMNM, n ° 2019.4.1.9, © Shimabuku Courtesy of the artist and Air de Paris, Romainville



Shimabuku, I travel with a 165 meter siren, 1998 - in progress -, Enamel plate (installation detail), Produced in Sydney, Australia, 1998, 39.5 x 55 cm, NMNM collection, n ° 2019.4.1.8, © Shimabuku Courtesy the artist and Air de Paris, Romainville
Shimabuku, I travel with a 165 meter siren, 1998 – in progress -, Enamel plate (installation detail), Produced in Sydney, Australia, 1998, 39.5 x 55 cm, NMNM collection, n ° 2019.4.1.8, © Shimabuku Courtesy the artist and Air de Paris, Romainville



Left: Shimabuku, I travel with a 165 meter siren, 1998 - in progress, 165 meters of rope on its reel (installation detail) Reel: 29 x ø 42 cm, NMNM Collection, n ° 2019.4.1.12 © Shimabuku, Courtesy ,of the artist and Air de Paris, Romainville  Center: Shimabuku, I travel with a 165 meter siren, 1998 - in progress -, Marquetry (installation detail)m Craftsman: Catot Olivier, Atelier La Sève, Marseille-1998, 57 x 46 cm, Collection NMNM, n ° 2019.4.1.8, © Shimabuku, Courtesy de the artist and Air de Paris, Romainville  Right: Shimabuku, I travel with a 165 meter siren, 1998 - in progress -, Chocolate egg (detail of the installation), Drawing by Shimabuku, produced in Marseille-1999, 42 cm x ø 28 cm, Collection NMNM, n ° 2019.4.1.3, © Shimabuku, Courtesy de the artist and Air de Paris, Romainville
Left: Shimabuku, I travel with a 165 meter siren, 1998 – in progress, 165 meters of rope on its reel (installation detail) Reel: 29 x ø 42 cm, NMNM Collection, n ° 2019.4.1.12 © Shimabuku, Courtesy ,of the artist and Air de Paris, Romainville
Center: Shimabuku, I travel with a 165 meter siren, 1998 – in progress -, Marquetry (installation detail)m Craftsman: Catot Olivier, Atelier La Sève, Marseille-1998, 57 x 46 cm, Collection NMNM, n ° 2019.4.1.8, © Shimabuku, Courtesy de the artist and Air de Paris, Romainville
Right: Shimabuku, I travel with a 165 meter siren, 1998 – in progress -, Chocolate egg (detail of the installation), Drawing by Shimabuku, produced in Marseille-1999, 42 cm x ø 28 cm, Collection NMNM, n ° 2019.4.1.3, © Shimabuku, Courtesy de the artist and Air de Paris, Romainville



Shimabuku, Eriger, 2017-2018, installation view Reborn-Art Festival 2017, Courtesy of the artist and Air de Paris, Romainville
Shimabuku, Eriger, 2017-2018, installation view Reborn-Art Festival 2017, Courtesy of the artist and Air de Paris, Romainville



Shimabuku, Shimabuku Christmas in the Southern Hemisphere, 1994, Wallpaper, silkscreen, 70 x 103 cm, © Shimabuku, Courtesy of the artist and Air de Paris, Romainville
Shimabuku, Shimabuku Christmas in the Southern Hemisphere, 1994, Wallpaper, silkscreen, 70 x 103 cm, © Shimabuku, Courtesy of the artist and Air de Paris, Romainville