ART CITIES:Amsterdam-Solution or Utopia? Design for Refugees
Today, millions of people are fleeing from war or have been displaced for other reasons. They often lack even the most fundamental necessities of life. Designers and architects can get involved and respond to these needs by developing inexpensive and/or smart solutions. And at a later stage, when people have arrived at a new destination, designers can help them to build new lives, and integrate into society through new technologies and innovative solutions.
By Efi Michalarou
Photo: Stedelijk Museum Archive
In the exhibition “Solution or Utopia? Design for Refugees”, the Stedelijk Museum presents almost 50 recent initiatives designed to improve the temporary situations faced by refugees. One of the designers’ central challenges was to devise practical, real-life solutions. From clothing that can double as a tent, to improved signage in a refugee camp, and from linkable plastic floor sections for temporary shelters to a digital service that helps refugees navigate their new environment. Several of the proposals were designed or implemented by refugees, like the flag designed by the Syrian Yara Said for the Refugee Nation during the last Olympic Games and the furniture by Cucula, which is produced in Berlin. The exhibition also includes a number of projects that were submitted for last year’s Refugee Challenge. This contest is organised by the annual What Design Can Do conference in Amsterdam, which encourages designers to come up with proposals aimed at improving the reception and integration of refugees. The Stedelijk is mounting this presentation to create a platform to discuss how designers, architects and companies can have a meaningful impact on the lives of refugees. What works and what doesn’t? Does a design offer a feasible, workable solution, or is it a far-off utopian dream? Is it useful to focus on refugees as a separate group? Do some designs (such as a sticker with ‘Refugees Welcome’) stigmatise or welcome? Is the western perspective of some designers a help or hindrance? Are refugees’ real needs actually addressed? The exhibition “Solution or Utopia? Design for Refugees” takes place at two locations, aside from the Stedelijk, part of the presentation is on view at Lola Lik, a creative hub situated near the asylum seekers centre in the former Bijlmerbajes prison in Amsterdam. On show at this location are projects that are made in cooperation with refugees, like for example the furniture by Cucula.
Info: Curators: Ingeborg de Roode and Jeanette Bisschops, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Museumplein 10, Amsterdam, Duration: 20/5-27/8/17, Days & Hours: Mon-Thu & Sat-Sun 10:00-18:00, & Lola Lik, H.J.E. Wenckebachweg 48, Amsterdam, Duration 20/5-3/9/17 , Days & Hours: Daily 12:00-18:00,